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Client Testimonials



Competing in bodybuilding was something that I talked about doing for years, but every single time I did, I always finished with "I can't". Until I asked myself why not? We can fall so easily into a routine that we begin to limit ourselves, refusing to push our own boundaries and challenging what we are comfortable with.
This is personal. It's a goal, a challenge, a journey that has pushed me beyond my limitations and challenged me in both physical and mental ways more than most would ever realise.
I'm very thankful to the people I have met on this journey and during this time. The people who have encouraged me, who have watched me grow and become more resilient and more empowered with every week that passes. I'm thankful to my coach, Mariah, who has had endless patience with me. Whose educated me when I needed it and supported me through every weekly check in.



Honestly, I can't thank you enough, Mariah. This was the best investment of my life. I don't think I would've pushed through as much as I did without your guidance.
I've also learnt so much along the way about nutrition and training.
Even those hard weeks I had
mentally and physically, your words just sparked motivation every time is listen to your check in. Thank you once again



Biggest win: I had to think about this one a while, but I'm going to say being in the gym every f*cking day twice a day!
I would never have thought I'd be one of those people for prep! Also, as of last Sunday, this will be officially my longest prep! The most I've done previously is 16 weeks and was nowhere near as compliant as I am with this



Surprisingly macros have been great. I've been able to sustain a routine in my meals and that's made it way easier to hit my travel, stress, routine and etc. I have worked really hard to improve this area and although there's always room for improvement and I'm still working towards my goals, I am proud of the healthy mindset and lifestyle changes I've been able to improve in this part of my health journey. There's been some days like on the plane, where my macros weren't tracked, but I did my best to eat intuitively and that's worked well to keep me on track.



Don't get me wrong I'm excited for this package but
considering it's just the start makes me so excited for the future knowing I've learnt so much and how much better l will be the second time not only in prep but in my build!
I hope you like me because you're gonna be stuck with me for a while to come
Thanks for the chat as always! You're the best coach EVER!



*Weight Unknown*

Credit to the the amazing fitness & nutrition coach Mariah for being an amazing educator & such a drive. Yes weights are contributing factor to my growth but heavily comes down to nutrition too & wouldn't be here without HER. "You really do change lives for those that want to better themselves. Taught me so much and never been the same."



From day one of my journey with Mariah
it's been amazing! Not only is she my coach but she's become one of my very best friends and has been by my side through so much! I'm forever grateful for the day I was introduced to this beautiful lady!
Here's to the next few months leading up to my first bodybuilding competition in September and all the more memories there are to be made!
Getting more excited as the days go by to impress her on stage with all my hard work! Love you lots girlfriend, your passion and care for all your clients doesn't go unnoticed you're truly an incredible human & an inspiration! Let's finish smash all the goals we both have before the year ends!



100% you have changed my life, and my relationship with my food and body. I didn't realise how restrictive I was and how big an issue it actually was for me. To be eating enough food and more comfortable with my body than I've ever been before, endless thank you's forever. Biggest win; eating cake on my birthday and not feeling guilty actually. I can't tell you how many years I refused to eat any cake cause I didn't think I'd "earnt it" based on my energy expenditure. So I think that's pretty cool!



Biggest wins - I think I've reached a stage that although I have still some work to do, I'm happy with what we have achieved & what I'm starting to look at in the mirror.
-Being at a particular weight no longer worries me! That's my biggest win... The realisation of that.
-I've noticed I'm stronger on push exercises if that makes sense. My body feels firmer & I can see more shape coming in.
-I am hitting macros! Having some fun with trying new things & recipes

Strength changes, legs are getting stronger! I leg pressed 100kg & on my final set I went up to 110 "win". Just stronger all round with a couple of increases in weights! My clothes are fitting so well even looser than I expected. Macros was & is one of the things I'm so grateful about learning with you! Total game changer for me! Macros have been fine! I try to get my protein in mainly & keep within the deficit! Sometimes it takes some tweaking but mostly fine. I have had a GREAT 16 weeks with you! You have been the one constant thing in my life for the last 4 months. Thank you for all your support!



I'm grateful as there is change, but so so much more grateful for the learnings I have received along the way! Big thanks to Mariah for agreeing to coach me and for all the learnings you have taught me on this short journey. You are awesome at what you do and like all the great mentors, you have committed yourself to excellence in your chosen craft and you genuinely care.

You may have heard "success leaves clues". I hear you saying, yeah, but why so important? Because you can simply "decide, make a decision as to what you want to achieve, find someone who has and learn from them. I am truly lucky to be surrounded by some awesome knowledgeable humans in health, real estate, business, friendship circles and family. The picture on the right is one I took yesterday and the left was taken 6 weeks earlier, I was simply interested in any progress I made.



Coached entirely by my amazing bestfriend and soul sista @mariahjeanfit You won't find a more qualified and kind hearted coach. I trust this woman with my life. No words will ever explain how amazing beautiful person changed my life. I can't wait to do another prep with you. This time I won't be a teenager.



I cannot thank you enough for these last four months. They have been both incredibly hard yet rewarding. I have found it hard to love myself from within since becoming a mother. I wanted to thank you for helping me in the process of changing my mindset and the relationship I have with food and gym. I am on the best journey to loving myself again because of you and your constant support and love. Mariah, you're an amazing coach and person! I appreciate you so much!

4 months progression Forever grateful for you, Mariah! I've been up and down these last few months, but you've been there to prep talk me every time. I've still got a long journey ahead but I couldn't have done this without you. So much love for you as my coachy

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